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Editor's Note: The United Nations Headquarters held the forum on the 14th for Intercultural and interreligious dialogue: "Building bridges between East and West".

Intercultural and interreligious dialogue and panel discussion on “Building Bridges between East and West” (co-organized by the United Nations Staff Recreation Council Multicultural Study of Faiths, the United Nations Alliance of Civilization (UNAOC) and the Muslim World League)

The President of the 77th Session Mr. Csaba Kőrösi of the UN General Assembly and Ms. Amina J. Mohammed Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations attended the speech



Remarks by H.E. Sheikh Dr. Mohammad Al-Issa, Secretary-General of the Muslim World LeagueRemarks by H.E. Mr. Csaba Kőrösi, President of the General AssemblyRemarks by Ms. Amina J. Mohammed, United Nations Deputy Secretary-GeneralRemarks by H.E. Mr. Miguel Ángel Moratinos, High Representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Remarks by Mr. Arthur C. Wilson, Special Advisor, United Nations Multicultural Study of Faiths of the UN Staff Recreation Council

The above video is a live report on the 14th

 There is a growing concern about the overall rise in instances of discrimination, intolerance and violence, regardless of the actors, directed against members of many religious, ethnic, and other communities in various parts of the world, including cases motivated by Islamophobia, antisemitism and Christianophobia and prejudices against persons of other religions or beliefs. Growing religious and cultural, stigma and manifestations of various forms of discrimination against vulnerable communities, including cultural and religious minorities, are an affront to human rights and international law and the United Nations core values. Such vile acts risk undermining global efforts to rebuild a better world.

State actors and relevant non-state actors, including religious leaders from across the faith spectrum, play a vital role in promoting dialogue among all religious groups leading to improved awareness and understanding of the common values shared by all mankind. Promoting acceptance and respect of religious and cultural diversity through interreligious and intercultural dialogue will create an environment conducive to building peaceful, just and inclusive societies.

In support of the dialogue among civilizations, in November 2022, the Muslim World League under the leadership of H.E. Shaykh Mohammad bin Abdulkarim AlIssa, Secretary General” launched the “Forum for Building Bridges Between East and West”. The initiative aims to foster mutual understanding and peaceful coexistence among the world’s diverse cultures and nations. It strives to contribute to this goal by mobilizing religious, social, economic and political leaders throughout the world to ensure their commitment and willingness to work in order to prevent manipulation of religious, ethnic, national and cultural identities in justifying violence and exclusion of “the other”. It also aims to strengthen public discourses that call for bridging cultural and religious gaps and divides in Muslim and nonMuslim societies. 


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