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World Hot News

Firing Line Debate: The U.S. Should Ban TikTok 火线辩论:美国是否应该禁止 TikTok

Unfortunately, due to inclement weather in Connecticut expected to start tonight and continue through tomorrow evening, we are making the decision to reschedule Tuesday afternoon’s debate on whether to ban TikTok until another date in the future.

Keep an eye out for updates.

Editor's note: Our reporter received an email from Barclays and specially reprinted it. There will be a live line debate soon: Should the United States ban TikTok (ByteDance US company), the offline and online live line debate, those who are interested in participating or watching, can choose according to the following information.

On Tuesday, February 28, at 4:30pm in WLH 119, the Buckley Program will be hosting a Firing Line debate on whether the U.S. should ban the social media platform, TikTok

This event is free and open to the public, but visitors must be in compliance with Yale COVID policies.

 To watch the live broadcast, please click the above picture
Clare Morell is a Policy Analyst at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, where she works on EPPC’s Technology and Human Flourishing Project. Prior to joining EPPC, Ms. Morell worked in both the White House Counsel’s Office and the Department of Justice, as well as in the private and non-profit sectors. At the Department of Justice, Ms. Morell worked as an Advisor to Attorney General Bill Barr.
Prior to her role with the Office of the Attorney General, Ms. Morell worked on judicial nominations for the White House Counsel’s office and monitored all nominations data to create high-level presentations for briefing White House leadership. From her experience, Ms. Morell brings an intimate knowledge and understanding of how policy is advanced within the Executive Branch of the federal government, particularly in the Department of Justice and the White House.
Elizabeth Nolan Brown is a senior editor at Reason and the main author of Reason's morning newsletter, the Reason Roundup. She is also co-founder of the libertarian feminist group Feminists for Liberty, and a professional affiliate of the journalism program at the University of Cincinnati. Brown has covered a broad range of political and cultural topics since starting at Reason in 2014, with special emphasis on the politics, policy, and legal issues surrounding sex, speech, tech, justice, reproductive freedom, and women's rights.

Max Morgan Chair, People Authorized, SDR Dame Gloria Starr Kins Hosted Reception for Sustainable Peace 2023

Editor's note: On February 19, a grand reception for diplomatic and business people was hosted by the Max Morgan Chair, People Authorized, and Dame Gloria Starr Kins, President of Society and Diplomatic Review.
The goal of holding this grand reception is to focus on peace, as stated in an interview with our reporter.

Welcome to People Authorized Networking @ Journey Experience NYC

February 26 @ 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm   FREE   Please cilck 

Max Morgan Chair, People Authorized keynote speech

Dame Gloria Starr Kins President of Society and Diplomatic Review

The SDR president said, 'This is an important group of American and international businessmen gathered together to follow the Secretary General's request for all people from all over the world to invest in developing countries and to help the countries. They have had volcanoes and floods, we need to find ways to reconstruct the countries and also at the same time to develop new industries so that the people will have jobs. Now in Africa, there are 41 countries having dangerous conflicts. Those people who are now having problems of conflicts, if they can settle down and negotiate peace, then they could, in the end, develop industries to help people with education. We need to invest to help the citizens in the varying countries to make money.'

 nterview with Dame Gloria Starr Kins President of Society and Diplomatic Review  Interview with David Shamouelian Global Business Development   Dame Gloria Starr Kins President of Society and Diplomatic Review  chat with Chinese ElitesDame Gloria Starr Kins President of Society and Diplomatic Review  chat with Chinese Elites Interview with Chinese ElitesDame Gloria Starr Kins President of Society and Diplomatic Review Meet VIPs in the living roomDame Gloria Starr Kins President of Society and Diplomatic Review  Meeting VIPs in the BallroomDame Gloria Starr Kins President of Society and Diplomatic Review Meeting VIPs in the Ballroom

Max Morgan Chair made a keynote speech on the mission of the People Authorized under the signed Abraham Accords and made a detailed introduction to the activities to be held in March.

Max Morgan Chair emphatically points out, 'People Authorized's mission is to facilitate building long-term relationships between ordinary citizens of the signatory countries through what we call People Accords, and to expand those relationships to additional countries in the Middle East and around the world. These relationships will build sustainable and long-lasting peace for the future.'

VIP asks questionsMax Morgan Chair, People Authorized answer the questions  Hunter Gaylor Diplomatic Engagement & Peace Ambassador

The atmosphere of the reception was active from the beginning to the end, and the distinguished guests communicated with each other enthusiastically.

 Max Morgan Chair, People Authorized chat with VIPVIPs communicate with each other

Hugues Sanon's speech at the 2023 IRF Summit in Washington DC

The third annual International Religious Freedom (IRF) Summit took place from January 31 to February 1 in Washington, United States of America. The purpose of the Summit was to create "a powerful coalition of organizations to act together for the cause of religious freedom around the world" with the aim of "increasing public awareness and the political strength of the international freedom movement religious".

Hugues Sanon, Special Envoy for International Relations of the United Nations Commission on Justice, Equality and Peace, and Global Ambassador of the World Organization for Sustainable Development, was invited to speak at the IRF summit group meeting

In fact, one thousand (1000) defenders of religious freedom showed up in the North American capital for the International Religious Freedom Summit. Advocates held more than two hundred (200) breakout sessions, numerous panel discussions, interviews, and exhibits on Capitol Hill with Republican and Democratic lawmakers, ambassadors, and survivors representing broad faith groups to advocate for and oppose violations of religious freedom . That year, the IRF Summit also coincided with the National Prayer Breakfast and highlighted four distinct tracks: Defend, Document, Develop and Deny.

In addition, Dr Sanon met with various leaders, including Ambassador Susan Johnson Cook, Her Excellency Gingrich, and numerous academics, lawmakers and religious leaders. In addition, he met with Abdullah bin Mafdou ibn Baiyah, an Islamic scholar and professor of Islamic studies at King Abdulaziz University in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,

Ambassador Hugues Sanon: Ambassador Hugues Sanon is an outstanding motivational speaker, writer,  public advocate, lecturer and international goodwill ambassador.

Ambassador Hugues Sanon has given motivational speeches at numerous high-profile events throughout the United States and abroad such as United Nations, Washington DC, New Jersey, also in Canada, Mexico, El-Salvador, Dominican republic, Geneva, Honduras, Guatemala, San Salvador, and Haiti

He has also provided counseling to political figures including: diplomats, many UN Ambassadors, politicians, mayors, police departments, army generals and local government members and religious leaders.

Drug-Free World Press Conference Dr. Ben's team working hard create a drug-free reality world for the next generation

Dr. Bernard Ilialkoff Foundation for a Drug-Free World Americas

Rev. Bruce Grodner secretary general of the World Christian Leadership ConferenceAmbassador Lubin Moise for Peace

One would be hard-pressed to identify a societal ill more insidious and destructive than drug and substance abuse, which erodes not only the core of the individual but entire communities. Justice, peace, equality, and consciousness are impossible in a drugged, unaware society. Global drug abuse affected a staggering 275 million people worldwide in 2021 while over 36 million people suffered from drug use disorders (2021 World Drug

 The goal is to work united towards the UN Sustainable Goals in the development of effective evidence-based curricula and factual drug education, and enable the creation of sustainable well communities. The Foundation for a Drug-Free World is a nonprofit public benefit corporation that empowers youth and adults with factual information about drugs so they can make informed decisions and live drug-free. No one, especially a young person, likes to be lectured about what he or she can or cannot do.

Thus, we provide the facts that empower youth to choose not to take drugs in the first place. Additionally, our Truth About Drugs campaign consists of activities that they can join which popularize drug-free living. These activities are simple, effective, and can involve people of all ages. Through a worldwide network of volunteers, 50 million drug prevention booklets have been distributed, tens of thousands of drug awareness events have been held in some 180 countries and Truth About Drugs public service announcements have been aired on more than 500 television stations.

These materials and activities have helped people around the world learn about the destructive side effects of drugs and thereby make the decision for themselves to not use them. The Foundation provides the information you need to start a Truth About Drugs education and prevention activity in your area.


A new national action plan for Somali women in their country’s maritime sector was launched

A new national action plan for enhancing and empowering Somali women in their country’s maritime sector was launched today (15th Feburary) at a high-level event bringing together senior government officials and representatives from civil society and the international community, including the United Nations.

“The ‘Blue Economy’ that we want to exploit includes fisheries from our waters and all the goods that pass through it; we also have to consider the value chain from the fisherman to the buyer, to the marketer and to the investor. In order to succeed in this venture, we need to empower women across the whole value chain,” Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Salah Ahmed Jama, said in his speech at the event to launch the Women in Maritime Sector (WiMS) National Action Plan.

“I can assure you that if we put all our efforts and work towards empowering women, especially in the ‘Blue Economy’ and around climate change, we will definitely have success,” he continued.

“The WiMS National Action Plan will help to ensure that women operating across the maritime domain are provided increased visibility and opportunities to not only participate in, but also benefit from, the sector,” the UN Secretary-General’s Deputy Special Representative for Somalia, Anita Kiki Gbeho, said in her remarks.

“Opportunities are limitless in the maritime domain. With its vast coastline, Somalia’s ‘Blue Economy’ could be at the forefront of delivering change and generating wealth for Somalia’s women and, indeed, for the nation,” added Ms. Gbeho, who also serves as the Officer-in-Charge of the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM).

Others attending the launch included Somalia’s Minister of Women and Human Rights, Khadija Diriye; its Minister of Ports and Marine Transport, Abdullahi Ahmed Jama; and the Head of Delegation of the European Union, Ambassador Tiina Intelmann.

The WiMS National Action Plan marks the culmination of a Somali-led process that began in September 2019, with coordination and support from UNSOM and the European Union Capacity Building Mission in Somalia (EUCAP Somalia).

“This Action Plan takes a lead in ensuring that women are included in this area and will contribute wider to gender equality in Somalia,” Amb. Intelmann said in her remarks at the launch.

With its key location along main international shipping routes, some 3,300 kilometres of coastline and extensive sea-based resources, Somalia’s maritime domain is widely considered as providing immense economic opportunities in the ‘Blue Economy.’
However, there is a critical shortage of maritime skills due to the lack of educational and institutional capacity. Also, there remains a significant gender inequality which deprives Somali women and girls of their basic rights and opportunities, including maritime education, economic participation and access to financial resources.

The Action Plan, developed through an inclusive approach involving the Federal Government of Somalia and the country’s Federal Member States, was designed to collectively develop women’s needs and priorities in the maritime sector, within both the private sector and government institutions.

Those involved in developing the action plan over the past six years also include the Federal Government of Somalia’s Ministries of Port and Maritime Transport, Women and Human Rights Development, Fisheries and Blue Economy, Education, Labour, Internal Security, Justice and Planning, as well as a range of corresponding ministries from the country’s Federal Member State.

In their remarks, the Deputy Prime Minister and the UN Deputy Special Representative noted the important role of international partners.

“Organizations should work on empowering women. We are hoping that our donors and partners will consider investing in women in this sector,” Deputy Prime Minister Jama said.

The UN’s Ms. Gbeho emphasized that it was now crucial to transform the Action Plan into projects that can be supported with technical and financial assistance.

In this respect, she also encouraged UN agencies such as the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the UN Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO), the UN Environment Programme (UNEP), the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) to continue their support.

“The collective commitment we are making jointly today in launching the WiMS National Action Plan is of vital importance,” she said. “We need a gender responsive maritime domain, with new procedures and structures that bring real change. We need a sector that recognizes and promotes women’s willingness and agency to work in maritime, fisheries, mineral extraction and law enforcement sectors.”

“The UN believes,” Ms. Gbeho continued, “an ocean of opportunities exist for Somalia to explore; I can see its Women in Maritime are ready to be part of the exploration team.”


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