Editor's Note: This afternoon, our reporter participated The Existence and Resistance event of Brazilian indigenous women, organized by Angélica Walker Projects in New York at the Consulate General of Brazil in New York, and after the event interviewed the organizer Ms. Angélica Walker on the spot.

Ms. Angélica Walker emphasizes the urgency of addressing climate change and saving the Amazon rainforest. Through interviews and songs, we can deeply feel the power of Brazilian indigenous women and their efforts to protect their homes and the environment. This is not just a song, but a story about courage, resistance, and empowerment.”

Angélica Walker : She is a lawyer with a master's degree in International Law, concentration on Dispute Resolution and Art Law and has worked many years with mediation in a think-tank Institute. She has extensive experience working with art since 2007 when she moved to New York, becoming a docent at the Metropolitan Museum Of Art. In 2021 she founded AngélicaWalkerProjects, a platform dedicated to produce artistic and cultural projects to support artists who inspire social change. She has been an activist for the environment since a child. @angelicawalker.art and @angelicawalkerprojects

In an age defined by the relentless pursuit of progress and the rapid urbanization of our world, it is easy to overlook the enduring wisdom and strength of indigenous communities. Their stories, deeply rooted in centuries of tradition, are not only a testament to the resilience of humanity but also a stark reminder of the urgent need to protect and preserve our planet's rich cultural tapestry.

The Consulate General of Brazil in New York, a symbol of diplomacy and connection between nations, provides a unique backdrop for this exploration of existence and resistance. It serves as a reminder that these stories are not confined to remote corners of the world; they are integral to the global tapestry of human history.

Through the lens of their existence and the unyielding spirit of resistance, we gain insight into the challenges these women face daily. Their struggles against encroaching modernity, environmental degradation, and the preservation of their cultural heritage are challenges that echo far beyond the borders of Brazil.